The best places to eat, stay, shop and visit in the South West

Nigel Wright

Saveur head chef Nigel Wright on his favourite city break for a cheeky Sunday staycation
Nigel Wright

When not behind the pass at his Exmouth restaurant, Saveur, chef Nigel Wright enjoys a cheeky Sunday‑night staycation in Bath and tapas feasts in London

Which kitchen item couldn’t you live without?

A stockpot; there’s barely a day when mine isn’t bubbling away. The secret behind every good sauce is great stock and it sets apart the chefs who really care about flavour.

What do you listen to in the kitchen?

A bit of everything: I like reggae for those mornings when you need to get down to it, and then a bit of classic 90s when I need a pick‑me‑up.

I discovered a ska version of Walking in the Air a few years ago which always comes out at Christmas – it drives my partner up the wall!

Career highlight to date?

When we took on Saveur it had two AA rosettes and we’ve retained the accolade for five years. I’m exceptionally proud of this achievement and it motivates me to keep striving for the best.

Your most-read recipe book?

Raymond Blanc is one of my culinary heroes. My copies of Blanc Mange and Kitchen Secrets are so well‑thumbed I may need to get new ones.

His recipes are both inspirational and actually work.

Favourite place to eat out?

I love tapas and was introduced to Barrafina in London a few years ago. My partner and I sit at the bar, watch the chefs in action and usually eat far too much. It’s great to interact with them and hear their ideas and stories. I’d love the restaurant to open in Devon one day.

Best staycation spot?

As I live in a small town by the coast, it has to be a city. I absolutely love Bath and frequently go for a cheeky Sunday night away. The city is not only beautiful but also has some fantastic places to eat.

Desert island meal?

I could happily spend my time on a desert island with a whole hog roast just for me. Pork and crackling are heaven on a plate.

If that’s too greedy, I’d have a lamb massaman curry – I ate a beautiful one in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

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