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Top tips to save on your water consumption

Water is an increasingly scarce resource in the UK, with climate change causing hotter, dryer summers and less predictable rainfall. Here we look at ways businesses and homes can use water more efficiently and save money through lower water rates

How to reduce household water consumption

People can take small simple steps in their day to day use of water to reduce water consumption. Our top tips are:

  • Use a bowl in the sink when washing fruit, vegetables or dishes. You can then use the wastewater to water your plants.
  • Turn off the tap when you clean your teeth. A running tap uses up to nine litres of water per minute.
  • Wait until you have a full load before using your washing machine or dishwasher.

How to reduce your business water rates

  • Switch business water suppliers. By switching business water suppliers you can save on your annual water charges. Most businesses have never switched from their default supplier and are paying higher rates on their water and wastewater bills. 
  • Reducing your water consumption. Reducing your water consumption will immediately drive down the cost of water. Businesses should also focus on implementing water-saving devices like tap aerators.
  • Fixing leaks. Fixing leaks within your business premises will immediately reduce your water consumption and cut the cost of your water bills.

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