The best places to eat, stay, shop and visit in the South West


Production guidelines

We print food magazine on beautiful, thick, high quality paper with vivid and vibrant colours.

We want food magazine to look great and we want your advert to look flippin’ fabulous too. Our creative designers know some great things happen when you ignore convention. But supplying adverts is not the right time to break the rules.

Please follow the guidelines below when supplying your advert to us. Your advert will look great and everything will be hunky-dory.

Thank you.

Please make sure your advert artwork is like this…

  • PDF 1.6 (PDF/X-1a compliant) or above
  • Images must be JPEG or TIFF
  • All transparency and layers flattened
  • CMYK Colour only (No spot colour or RGB)
  • All images 300dpi or above
  • All images must be embedded when using Adobe Illustrator
  • All text must be outlined when using Adobe Illustrator
  • All fonts embedded and subset

Please avoid any of these…

  • Supplying any RGB images. These will be converted to CMYK so colours will not reproduce correctly.
  • Text in adverts output as Jpeg will also reproduce poorly
  • Not embedding images when outputting from Adobe Illustrator

We can’t accept files from following packages:

  • Microsoft Word or Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Pages for Mac
  • Canva or Cairo

If you need help please email Tamsin here


Issue numberArtwork deadline date
Autumn 2024 202July 24, 2024
Winter 2024 203September 25, 2024

Advert sizes

Full Page

210mm wide x 250mm high + 6mm bleed on all sides
Safe Area 190mm wide x 230mm high

Half Page Vertical

95mm wide X 238mm high

Half Page Horizontal

198mm wide X 116mm high

Online advert sizes

*Only JPG/JPEG files will be accepted, no animated gifs or transparent PNGs.


3000px wide x 500px high

desktop banner
Frobishers Presses!

Download your template file below


500px wide x 500px high

Frobishers Presses!

Download your template file below

Mobile banner

500px wide x 1000px high

iPhone banner advert
Frobishers Presses!

Download your template file below

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