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Wine tasting at The Bottle in Newquay

Discover why The Bottle in Newquay has garnered such a following by rounding up your friends for a private wine-tasting experience
Wine tasting at The Bottle, Newquay

This relaxed bar and deli in Newquay is a hidden-away haven for wine lovers. Discover why The Bottle has garnered such a following of keen oenophiles by rounding up your friends for a private wine-tasting experience

It’s easy to imagine you’re kicking back in an easy-breezy wine bar on the French Riviera when wining and dining at The Bottle. The continental vibe makes sense when you know that the Cornish deli and bar was inspired by owners Toyah Marshall and Rob Palmer’s visits to the south of France.

Since The Bottle opened in August 2020, food and wine lovers have flocked to this off-the-beaten track find for deli counter delights, a top-notch selection of wines to drink in or take home, and Friday-night socials featuring cheese and charcuterie boards.

The duo have also hosted a series of successful wine tasting events, and are now launching private wine tasting experiences for groups of four or more. The aim? To take budding wine buffs on a journey to discern which varieties light up their palates.

Guests will sample a selection of five wines chosen by Rob. He’ll talk through each one and explain what makes it special, describe how it has been made and answer any burning questions. Toyah and Rob will happily customise the tasting experience if there is something in particular guests want to try – for example you might want to learn more about Spanish grapes or get to the bottom of the hype around biodynamic wines.

Forget stuffiness and needing to swot up on fancy lingo beforehand. The Bottle’s tastings are a way to explore the world of wine in a relaxed and comfortable environment where no question is a silly one.

Tastings start at £20 per person but we’d recommend adding a cheese pairing for an additional £5 each. Tastings are available on weekday evenings or on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Booking in advance is essential as spaces fill up fast.

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