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Wild mushroom crumpet with garlic and parmesan

Make crumpets from scratch and top them with parmesan spiked wild mushrooms
Housel Bay Hotel

Joseph Fallowfield, head chef at Fallowfields at Housel Bay Hotel in Cornwall, shares his recipe for wild mushroom crumpet with garlic and parmesan

9cm metal crumpet rings 6

For the crumpets

  • Strong white flour 90g, sifted
  • Plain flour 90g, sifted
  • Dried yeast 7g Caster sugar ½ tsp
  • Milk 175ml, warm
  • Water 100ml, warm
  • Bicarbonate of soda ¼ tsp
  • Salt ½ tsp
  • Butter 10g

For the mushrooms

  • Wild mushrooms 250g, trimmed and cleaned
  • Vegetable oil 10ml
  • Butter 2 tsp
  • Garlic 1½ cloves, finely chopped
  • Parsley 50g, finely chopped
  • Cornish sea salt

For the parmesan crisps

  • Parmesan 50g, finely grated

  1. For the crumpets: combine the flours and yeast in a large bowl. Dissolve the sugar into the milk, then add to the flours and mix until it forms a smooth dough.
  2. Prove the dough for one hour. Then add the water, bicarbonate of soda and salt to the dough and whisk until smooth again.
  3. Add the butter to a medium frying pan. Lightly grease the crumpet rings, then position them in the pan. Pour the crumpet batter into the metal rings until half full. Fry on a medium heat for approximately 8 minutes, or until the base of the crumpets turn golden. Then remove the rings and flip the discs over. Fry for a further 5 minutes.
  4. For the mushrooms: fry the mushrooms on a medium-high heat in the vegetable oil. Once lightly browned, add the butter, followed by the garlic and parsley. Season with sea salt to taste.
  5. For the parmesan crisps: line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Sprinkle the parmesan on the tray so that it forms a rough square. Bake at 170°c / gas 3 for approximately 8 minutes. Once baked, allow to cool before breaking into shards.
  6. To serve: top the crumpets with the mushrooms, then decorate with the parmesan crisps.

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You will need

9cm metal crumpet rings 6

For the crumpets

  • Strong white flour 90g, sifted
  • Plain flour 90g, sifted
  • Dried yeast 7g Caster sugar ½ tsp
  • Milk 175ml, warm
  • Water 100ml, warm
  • Bicarbonate of soda ¼ tsp
  • Salt ½ tsp
  • Butter 10g

For the mushrooms

  • Wild mushrooms 250g, trimmed and cleaned
  • Vegetable oil 10ml
  • Butter 2 tsp
  • Garlic 1½ cloves, finely chopped
  • Parsley 50g, finely chopped
  • Cornish sea salt

For the parmesan crisps

  • Parmesan 50g, finely grated


  1. For the crumpets: combine the flours and yeast in a large bowl. Dissolve the sugar into the milk, then add to the flours and mix until it forms a smooth dough.
  2. Prove the dough for one hour. Then add the water, bicarbonate of soda and salt to the dough and whisk until smooth again.
  3. Add the butter to a medium frying pan. Lightly grease the crumpet rings, then position them in the pan. Pour the crumpet batter into the metal rings until half full. Fry on a medium heat for approximately 8 minutes, or until the base of the crumpets turn golden. Then remove the rings and flip the discs over. Fry for a further 5 minutes.
  4. For the mushrooms: fry the mushrooms on a medium-high heat in the vegetable oil. Once lightly browned, add the butter, followed by the garlic and parsley. Season with sea salt to taste.
  5. For the parmesan crisps: line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Sprinkle the parmesan on the tray so that it forms a rough square. Bake at 170°c / gas 3 for approximately 8 minutes. Once baked, allow to cool before breaking into shards.
  6. To serve: top the crumpets with the mushrooms, then decorate with the parmesan crisps.
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9cm metal crumpet rings 6

For the crumpets

  • Strong white flour 90g, sifted
  • Plain flour 90g, sifted
  • Dried yeast 7g Caster sugar ½ tsp
  • Milk 175ml, warm
  • Water 100ml, warm
  • Bicarbonate of soda ¼ tsp
  • Salt ½ tsp
  • Butter 10g

For the mushrooms

  • Wild mushrooms 250g, trimmed and cleaned
  • Vegetable oil 10ml
  • Butter 2 tsp
  • Garlic 1½ cloves, finely chopped
  • Parsley 50g, finely chopped
  • Cornish sea salt

For the parmesan crisps

  • Parmesan 50g, finely grated

  1. For the crumpets: combine the flours and yeast in a large bowl. Dissolve the sugar into the milk, then add to the flours and mix until it forms a smooth dough.
  2. Prove the dough for one hour. Then add the water, bicarbonate of soda and salt to the dough and whisk until smooth again.
  3. Add the butter to a medium frying pan. Lightly grease the crumpet rings, then position them in the pan. Pour the crumpet batter into the metal rings until half full. Fry on a medium heat for approximately 8 minutes, or until the base of the crumpets turn golden. Then remove the rings and flip the discs over. Fry for a further 5 minutes.
  4. For the mushrooms: fry the mushrooms on a medium-high heat in the vegetable oil. Once lightly browned, add the butter, followed by the garlic and parsley. Season with sea salt to taste.
  5. For the parmesan crisps: line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Sprinkle the parmesan on the tray so that it forms a rough square. Bake at 170°c / gas 3 for approximately 8 minutes. Once baked, allow to cool before breaking into shards.
  6. To serve: top the crumpets with the mushrooms, then decorate with the parmesan crisps.