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Peter Sanchez-Iglesias

Ever wondered what a Michelin starred chef scoffs after a heavy day menu developing? We did a little food therapy with Bristol's Peter Sanchez-Iglesias of Casamia and Paco Tapas

Ever wondered what a Michelin starred chef scoffs after a heavy day menu developing? We did a little food therapy with Bristol’s Peter Sanchez-Iglesias of Casamia and Paco Tapas

Which foods take you back to childhood?

The smell of mussels – they remind me of holidays on the beach in Cornwall. At certain times of year you could pick mussels right off the rocks when the tide was out; we’d collect them and take them back to the caravan where dad would cook them with white wine and garlic.

What does home taste like?

Sunday lunch and the smell of lamb roasting in the oven. When I was a kid my mum would always make roast leg of lamb with all the trimmings. I don’t get to do it much now, but a roast is one of my favourite things to cook: beef, chicken or lamb, I serve yorkshires with it, whatever.

What was the last thing you ate?

Last night I had a cheese, tomato, lettuce and pork pie bagel with lots of mayonnaise – it was bloody good. Anything tastes good between bread.

What would you never eat again?

Nothing. I generally look at something and think, ‘Am I actually going to like that?’ I was offered deep-fried scorpions in Asia once and thought, ‘Nah, what’s the point?’ I do like offal though; I think I had an eyeball taco once.

What’s your bad day comfort food fix?

Maltesers: I’ll nail a bag of them if I’ve had a rubbish day. To be honest, I don’t have so much of a sweet tooth nowadays. My palate has matured and I’m into more savoury flavours; I’d rather have some cheese at the end of a meal now than a slice of cake.

What’s in your fridge?

There’s always good vintage cheddar – I’ll pop it on chips or leftover sourdough from the restaurant after a long day.

There are usually a couple of bottles of tonic too. I don’t drink in the week but I’ll dabble in a little gin come the weekend. I like classics such as Hendricks and Monkey 47 but recently we’ve had this amazing spitroasted pineapple gin. I’ve also got pre-mixed negroni from Bristol distillery Psychopomp – for if I’m feeling a bit naughty.

What do you eat when no one is looking?

Once in a blue moon, after a long day of nitpicking and menu developing, I’ll get a double cheeseburger and vanilla milkshake from Maccy D’s. It’s the one.

Which restaurants make you happy?

The Pony & Trap in Chew Magna – I bloody love it. Josh [Eggleton] is one of my best mates and the Sunday lunch is great. I also really like Wilks Restaurant in Bristol on a Sunday; I’ll just let James cook me whatever he thinks is good. His pomme puree with truffle is f’ing amazing – I could eat bowls of it.

Is there a dish you’d rather forget?

A pear and blue cheese dish we developed at the restaurant about 12 years ago. I think it was red winepoached pears with a blue cheese foam; it was weird and didn’t last long. If I think about it too much it makes me feel sick.

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