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Riverford launches charity bundle to prevent bumper crop of brassicas going to waste

Cabbages in field

Riverford Organic Farmers in Devon is asking customers to donate a bundle of veg to FareShare to prevent a barrage of brassicas from going to waste

Earlier this month, Riverford founder Guy Watson shared news of a bumper crop of leafy brassicas – such as kale, cabbages, cauliflowers and leeks – due to the unusually warm autumn. With sales of Riverford’s veg boxes down by 20 per cent, this left the Devon business with an abundance of brassicas with nowhere to send them.

In a bid to prevent the perfectly good veg going to waste, Riverford has set up a new Veg Bundle Donation through which customers can donate a box of cauliflowers, cabbages and leeks to FareShare for just £1.25. The cost of the box will go towards getting the veg to FareShare and paying the farmers a small amount for what would have otherwise been wasted.

Guy said: ‘On average, for every £1 we pay a farmer, it costs 30p to plant, weed and tend the crop, 30p for the overheads to make the farm run (diesel, machinery, insurance etc.) and 30p to harvest, leaving 10p to reinvest or, occasionally, to make a profit. If we can find the 30 or 40p to pay for harvest, and perhaps also pay a little to the grower for what would otherwise be wasted, the charity FareShare can get the veg to families, schools and those in need.’

FareShare is a network of charities across the UK which redistributes food to those in need. Every week, the organisation provides enough food to produce almost a million meals for vulnerable people.

Donate a bundle here. Try our stuffed cabbage leaves recipe here.

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