St Ives’ wine-loving locals and holidaymakers can now get bottles delivered direct to their doors, thanks to Scarlet Wines’ new eco-friendly delivery service

Scarlet Wines in St Ives has launched a new electric-powered delivery service, just in time for the busy summer season.
Owner Jon Keast has invested in an electric bike (which can carry around 60 bottles of plonk) to deliver around the seaside town, plus an electric van for deliveries further afield. It’s thought that Scarlet Wines is the only wine merchant in the South West with an entirely electric transport system.
With many roads around St Ives currently closed to cars to enable social distancing and ease congestion, the e-cargo bike means Jon and the team can whizz around the popular holiday destination and deliver to local restaurants and customers.
The new delivery service not only enables those shielding to have wine delivered to their door but is also better for the environment.
‘We need to think more carefully about all kinds of consumption, and that includes wine,’ says Jon. ‘As a wine merchant it’s my job to create a portfolio with a green conscience, and to deliver that wine with as little environmental impact as possible.’
Find out more and download the current wine list for delivery here.